Sustainable Neighborhoods, Towns, & Regions

We work with cities, counties, and regional governments, as well as private developers, to establish and compose the building blocks of sustainable regions: the cities, towns, villages, neighborhoods, and districts, and their fundamental networks of ecological and transportation corridors.

Whether designing town centers, neighborhoods, or individual buildings, the ecological and cultural "DNA" inherent in the broader region guides our work.

Increasingly, metropolitan and exurban regions recognize the imperative to plan their future growth, or risk building themselves into an unsustainable depletion of natural resources, and the burden of maintaining overgrown suburban infrastructures.

We create "future scenario plans" to illustrate how a region would likely grow either through unchecked highway expansion, focused transit networking, or redevelopment and infill of existing communities. When shown these likely scenarios, with their economic and ecological ramifications, citizens and officials most often choose an inward refocusing with limited new neighborhood expansion.

The planned preservation and enhancement of a region’s local farmland productivity is an inherent component of regional planning. And increasingly there is the realization that inner-urban agrarianism in the form of gardens, and organic farming within metro regions as well as on their outskirts is critical. With increased costs of global food networks and health ramifications, growing local has distinct regional planning advantages.